Inkscape Shapes:
new version compatible with inkscape 1.2

New in this version

This new version adds some improvements:
  • Fixes a bug that made selected objects that are not paths not return the exact measurements. At the moment the bounding boxes of text objects still cannot be calculated.
  • Adds the Arch object in a new tab that includes 11 types of arch:
  • Adds a new option to From nodes: Tabs that allows you to easily create tabs for cutouts and the Reverse path option, which reverses the direction in which the nodes are created, useful for this new form and for Number nodes
  • New option in Join circles: Tangent inside
  • New option in Join circles: Only join shapes, With this option activated, the initial circles are not generated in the resulting shape, which allows optimizing the number of nodes if it is used in booleans.



3 thoughts on “Inkscape Shapes: new version compatible with inkscape 1.2

  1. good extention thank you

  2. muy buena extensio para inskape facilita mucho el accionar y ahorra mucho tiempo en diseño y creacion gracias

  3. Hi,

    Your extension looks great!

    Unfortunately nothing nothing happens when I try to launch it in Inkscape 1.2.2 (b0a84865, 2022-12-01) (on Mac).

    Any ideas for how to debug it or find out why it’s not opening?

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