Inkscape svg2pov new version:
export as lathe

This new version of the script in python for inkscape adds the option to export as lathe for povray, draw the bezier curves handles and only for windows the option to save all macros in a .inc file within the includes directory of povray. svg2povoptions

How to use

From the menu “File” choose the option “Save As…” and select the type “POVray Output (*.pov)”, select the name for the pov exported file. In the dialog box select the options you need

Export as lathe


Draw handles

To draw the handles the macro drawHandles is used with two arguments: the array with the position of the handles and the thickness of the cones and spheres used to create them testSVG2POV

Create file include

Using the include reduces the size of the exported file making easier the edition useinc


Download the file and unzip it into the extensions directory of your installation inkscape svg2pov_2016_08_30

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