Gimp python plugin:
Rotación usando Rutas es un plugin para Gimp que rota la imagen usando dos puntos de referencia, solo es necesario crear una Ruta con dos puntos y llamar al plugin desde la ventana de Rutas con el botón secundario del ratón en una ruta seleccionada y pulsar «Tools>Rotate by path…». En la ventana solo tenemos que seleccionar el tipo de interpolación a aplicar a la imagen rotada y si queremos que el plugin redimensione la imagen para que quepan todas las capas



Una respuesta en “Gimp python plugin: Rotación usando Rutas

  1. Nice scripts, but that checkered background on your website is horrible to read things.
    The background flickers before the eyes

  2. Two weeks ago I downloaded your magnificant plug-in.
    It works perfect under linux-mint with gimp 2.8.8.
    Except: if I have a path of more then 2 points the plug-in works as if it has 2 points (the first 2).
    In line 32 you have a test for 0 points. Couldn’t it handsome to also test for more as 2 points?

    Besides that: it works very fine, thak you!

    • Hi, really only are needed two points for get the angle of rotation therefore i ignore the rest, is the equivalent of using the
      Measure tool for geting the angle and this tool only need two points, why need for more tan two points? in this case what information use? the average of all the coordinates? the first and last only? Thanks for your feedback

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