Con este script python puedes editar numéricamente la posición de las guías ya existentes o añadir nuevas.
Todos los campos de texto permiten operaciones matemáticas usando los atajos para el ancho de la imagen (Width, width,W, w) y para el alto de la imagen (Height, height, H, h)
Beta B
Nuevos checkbox
Mirror, al activarlos se crea una guía adicional en el lado opuesto a la que se añade.
Beta C
Corrige algunos textos en la interfaz y añade la traducción al castellano.
Puedes contribuir traduciendo el script a tu idioma, descárgalo desde aquí:
Beta D
Esta versión añade la opción para seleccionar la unidad (píxels o porcentaje) para las nuevas guías. Ahora el checkbox para reflejar las nuevas guías pasa a un desplegable que permite elegir entre no replicarla, reflejarla en la dirección opuesta o en los cuatro lados.
Puedes contribuir traduciendo el script a tu idioma, descárgalo desde aquí:
Download / Descarga
Mas reciente: Beta d
Versiones antiguas
Beta A: arakne-guide-lab
Beta B: arakne-guide-labB
Beta C: arakne-guide-labC
Any chance to « port » it to gimp 2.10 ?
Hi Gerald, the script is working fine on my Gimp 2.10 installation (windows 7). If you are having any issues with the script feel free to send me the error to correct. Thanks for helping to enhance the script
The download links are confusing – I can’t determine which one is the «latest»
Hi, thanks for your comments, now the download links are clearer separated by newest and older versions
This addon is excellent. Guides are so difficult to use in Vanilla GIMP as they dont seem to snap to rectangle selections very well (the rectangle disappears when dragging a guide)
A simple editor is much welcomed.
the plugin is very usefull, a good idea would be the option to create a certain number of rows, columns and gutter automatically, would be helpful.
Hi Rodrigo, thanks for the sugestion, i take in account for the next version
Nice job on Guides Lab, the mirror option was a great addition. So far it works flawlessly (Gimp 2.8.14, Linux).
One thing I noticed on both versions of the script, «tip delete» shows up on hover rather than, «Delete current guide.» or «Double click to delete the current guide.». Line 159 (LabB) has «tip delete» which I changed to «Double click to delete the current guide.» which seems to solve the issue with my setup. Consider adding, «Double click to delete the current guide.» to the Help tab as well.
Cheers and Thanks again for the nice script.
Thanks for helping to develop the script with your comments. I have corrected the bug you mention and added the ability to translate the interface to Spanish. Any suggestions for improving the script is welcome
Is it possible to add vertical guides to the script? Such as corner to corner.
Hi, the script lets you add horizontal and vertical guides, if you refer to diagonal guides at this moment gimp not is capable to do it